Hallo und herzlich Willkommen im neuen Schuljahr

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Y10 German, Term 1 2011

This year you will further develop your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, using the textbook LOGO 2 as well as a variety of other resrouces

Myself, my family and my friends
My school
My house and home
Food and Eating out
Health and wellbeing
Travel and holidays
Customs and Social Occations

Weekly vocab tests
Term 1: Learning Standard 10.2 - Prepared Talk
Term 2: Learning Standard 10.4 - Dialogue
Term 3: Learning Standard 10.3 - Conversation
Term 4: End of year Exam - Listening, Reading and Writing

And what is expected of you?
regular vocabulary learning (5-10 minutes a day) and doing your homework. Tis is very important.

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