Hallo und herzlich Willkommen im neuen Schuljahr

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Y10 German Webseiten

This lesson, you will have to chance to check out some German language websites and revise some of the language and vocabulary we learnt over the last few weeks.
go to:

then go to German and choose a topic/activity
then go to German, then choose from the chapters available
this is a German vocab learning site which you have free access to for term 1. to logon, use the following username and password:
username: firstnamelastname@hvhs.school.nz
password: password
change your password after you have logged on for the first time. Soon, there will be topical vocab lists up for you, so that you can learn the words we are learning in class. At the moment, you will need to work with the NCEA Level 1/Y11 list. Viel Spass!

Monday, February 21, 2011


You have now been signed up for a free trial of GoVocab, an online vocabulary learning tool, for term 1 2011.

Go to their website: www.govocab.com
and sign in using the following username format and passoword:

username: firstnamelastname@hvhs.school.nz (use YOUR first and lastname!)
password: password (change this after your first login, under settings) - if you have problems logging in, let me know straight away!

then have a play around!
feedback is much appreciated!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Y11 German Webseiten Projekt


research a German website (see links on the right and below), evaluate it and present your findings to the class.
Before you start, decide what you want to find out.
Some suggestions are:
- what information does the website contain?
- why do I like/don't I like the website?
- how is this website going to support my learning?

You have one spell to resarch your webiste, but are free to put in more time at home.
Be ready to present your findings to the class on Tuesday 15 February.

Viel Spass

more links:
www.goethe.de, then go to learning German

Tuesday, February 1, 2011