Hallo und herzlich Willkommen im neuen Schuljahr

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Y10 German Schule Projekt

We will spend the next two German lessons finding out what you want to know about schools in Germany and preparing a class presentation.

In your groups, look at some websites to find information about the topic given to you.
Here are some examples of websites, but you are welcome to use other ones as well.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ then search for Education in Germany

you can also talk to some German exchange students or any German people you may know to gather information.

Present your information as a Powerpoint presentation. You will have two lessons to do your research and put your presentation together. You will then save your presentation to a memery stick at then end of Wednesdays lesson (16 March).

Be ready to present your findings to the class on Donnerstag (Thursday) 17 March.

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